On this article we will discuss the hull, the second fundamental part of a vessel. Marine coatings used in the hull significantly differs from other structures of the vessel.
Here we will discuss marine coatings specifically for trade vessels instead of passenger vessels like fast crafts, cruise ships, sail boats and powerboats.
Nanotechnologies has found its way into coatings. More and more manufacturers are seeing the benefits of nanosized particles to be used in their formulas. Raw materials that aim to produce stronger, more economical, more durable, more functional, more versatile products are the driving force behind these new technologies, specifically conductive coatings.
With the current Covid-19 outbreak and no effective vaccine available in the near future, maintaining personal hygiene is still the best precaution against the virus. One way is definitely the use of hand sanitizers when washing of hands is unavailable. In this article, we will discuss the effectiveness of alcohol-free hand sanitisers and whether they can protect us from this Covid-19 virus.
In this article, we will learn more about the commonly used disinfecting active ingredients in our homes and how they compare to one another!
Many common household cleaning products that we get from the supermarkets contain chemicals that can harm your body. Learn what products to avoid and what you can do!
Thinking of changing up the interior of your room but not wanting to spend excessively? Here are some tips to help you perfect a DIY home painting project!
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making 3D solid objects from a computer-aided-design (CAD) model. A process known as slicing, breaks down the model into thinly sliced horizontal cross-sections. The 3D printed object is then formed by building successive horizontal layers of materials until the object is created.
As B2B e-commerce grows throughout the years, an increasing number of companies starts engaging customers through digital channels. Here are the 6 chemicals and solutions e-commerce sites in Asia.